Monday, March 11, 2013


Leviticus 1:1-5:26

The Role Of Sacrifices

Sacrifices allow us to reach out to God using our physical and emotional drives.

By Rabbi Steven Weil

The theme of Sefer Vayikra (The Book of Leviticus) is korbanos, the animal sacrifices brought in the Tabernacle and, later, in the Temple.

The Rambam (Maimonides), in his Guide to the Perplexed, writes, "The purpose of sacrifices being incorporated into the Divine service of the Jewish people was to accommodate the transition of the people going from the extreme falsehood of idol worship to the extreme truth of worshipping one true God.

“The Jewish people had been steeped in an idolatrous culture and could only free themselves from it by utilizing the same form of animal sacrifice that they were accustomed to.

Now, through strict rules and regiments, they could direct it toward the service of God."

Misunderstood Statement
Unfortunately, this statement has been grossly misunderstood. The Rambam never meant to imply that korbanoswere a temporary means of service, whose practice would be abandoned as soon as the Jewish people were weaned from their idolatrous ways. Noach and his sons offered korbanos after the flood; Avraham offered various sacrifices. Neither of them needed to be weaned from idolatry.
Though the concept of animal sacrifices seems foreign, almost antithetical, to our notion of avodas Hashem (serving God), korbanoswere offered in the Temple on a daily basis. The detailed rituals of sacrifices played an essential role in the celebration of each Yom Tov (festival), and various sacrifices were offered to mark significant events in the lives of people.

Korbanos obviously played a major role in avodasHashem. How are we to understand that role?

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